Squeezed Abrasive Flow
  • Squeezed Abrasive Flow

Squeezed Abrasive Flow

Mainly used in the field of aviation engines, such as the machining of compressor integral impellers, bearing cage square holes, nozzle rectifying plates, pressure protectors, transmission gear liners, etc., it can achieve the removal of burrs, cleaning of debris and oil stains, improvement of roughness, and control of chamfer accuracy on the inner walls of various holes and combination holes such as straight holes, inclined holes, cross holes, step holes, and side holes.

The product has controllable viscoelasticity, uniform stability, and specialized platform proprietary technology to carry out abrasive selection and matching work. It can deform freely, efficiently and residue free achieve integrated processing of deburring, polishing, chamfering and other irregular surfaces such as inner holes and narrow gaps. The processing residue is minimal, indicating good quality and adaptable processing pace.